Elusive My Dream Poem by Jenny taborda

Elusive My dream 
Where are you my love? my angel sent from above Your eyes melt mine.
even across the miles Can feel you under my skin,living breathing deeper still. In your silence still closer. their is a connection we feel withinThere is so much deepness.
under all those layers. Of sensitivity layed bare of memories too much we care.
Life is a blessing to be shared in our hearts so much unheard Each day as it comes with all its challenges to succumb. Elusive dream only because
things are not always as they seem.


One thing for sure the love we share is so pure Inspiration grown deep inside. with every word so articulately designed Elusive dream floating high above the clouds.
Surely you know what I mean? as your Queen by your side.
With you my King forever to reside together Soulmates truly we are whether near or afar.
Full moon in the night sky…
shining brightly signaling this time.
Forward we come together like birds of a feather. Sheltered warm under each others wings.
Elusive dream now this prophesy is released. As words upon this page

  • Otherwise, he is in the lap of the female caste until death, in whatever form he is.
  • You go to this person.
  • Whose son will he be?
  • Whose brother will he be?
  • Could be someone’s husband…
  • Whose daughter will be the father..
  • Yes, I can say with such certainty that this person standing in this dirty water and mud for hours will not eat this food for himself, if he had to fill his stomach, he might have preferred to sleep hungry for one night instead of this suffering.

never to be ceased. So much love. eternally God given sealed with every kiss.
From your lips upon mine.
in this immortality. forever endless throughout time .

Poem by Jenny taborda

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