1. Play with her bréasts, don’t play with her heart.

2. Open up her heart, don’t open her old wounds.

3. Keep her secrets, don’t keep secrets from her.

4. Béat up her problems, don’t béat her up.

5. Help her to make good judgements, don’t judge her.

6. Spread her legs alone, don’t spread sexual diseases to her.

7. Fool around with her, don’t make a fool out of her.

8. Laugh with her, don’t laugh at her.

9. Sûck her nîpples, don’t sûck life and joy out of her.

10. Make her scream in bed when making love, don’t make her scream out of frustration and depressiôn.

11. Silence her storms and battles, don’t silence her voice and opinions.

12. Make her møan in pleasure, don’t make her mourn the death of your love.

13. Relieve her stress, don’t give her stress.

14. Spánk her bûtt cheek, don’t slap her face cheek.

15. Surprise her with gifts, don’t surprise her with lies.

16. Make her wet between her legs, don’t make her eyes wet with tears.

17. Be by her side, don’t sideline her.

18. Make love to her doggie style, don’t be a dóg that cheats on her like a community penîs.

19. Make other women jealous of her by how you love her, don’t make her jealous.

20. Keep a record of all the good she deliberately does daily, not the wrong she unintentionally does occasionally.

21. Don’t insult her stretchmarks, stretch her vision so that she leaves a positive mark on Earth.

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